Vejam só o livro que está em leilão:
O detalhe é que o livro é autografado não só pelo autor e pela ilustradora mas também por vários dos reponsáveis pela criação da Física Atômica, pela construçãos dos artefatos que levaram à era nuclear, inclusive os principais administradores e militares, e até por participantes das missões de Hiroshima e Nagasaki.
Veja a lista de autógrafos, segundo o site de leilões:
• Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize,
helped to launch the American atomic bomb project with his famous 1939
letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt)
• Robert Millikan (Nobel Prize, determined the electron’s charge)
• J. Robert Oppenheimer (directed the atomic bomb project at Los Alamos)
• Ernest O. Lawrence (Nobel Prize, invented of the cyclotron which was used at Los Alamos)
• Leslie R. Groves (head of the Manhattan Project)
• Vannevar Bush (key figure in establishing the Manhattan Project)
• Robert Van de Graaff (invented the Van de Graaff particle accelerator which was used at Los Alamos)
• Harold Urey (Nobel Prize, discovered deuterium, worked on isotope separation leading to U-235)
• David Lilienthal (first chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission)
• K. T. Bainbridge (Harvard professor, in charge of detonation of first atomic bomb test)
• Arthur Compton (Nobel Prize, discovered the Compton effect, set up Chicago lab leading to plutonium production)
• Karl Compton (president of MIT, served on Interim Committee to determine atomic bomb policy)
W. H. P. Blandy (US Navy Admiral, Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic and the
Atlantic Fleet (CINCLANT), conducted the Bikini Atoll bomb tests)
W. S. Parsons (directed the ordnance division at Los Alamos, led the
bomb mechanism design team, flew as bomb commander on the Enola Gay)
• Isidor I. Rabi (Nobel Prize, Los Alamos consultant)
• Carl Spaatz (commanded air force in Pacific, directed bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
• Otto Hahn (Nobel Prize, co-discoverer of nuclear fission)
• Niels Bohr (Nobel Prize, worked at Los Alamos after being smuggled out of Sweden in 1943)
• Lise Meitner (co-discoverer of fission, refused to pursue military uses of fission)
• James Chadwick (Nobel Prize, discovered the neutron, led team of British experts working on the bomb in the U.S.)
• Thomas Ferebee (bombardier of the Enola Gay)
• Paul Tibbets, Jr. (pilot of the Enola Gay)
• Robert A. Lewis (co-pilot of the Enola Gay)
• George A. Caron (tailgunner of the Enola Gay)
• Hans A. Bethe (directed the theoretical physics division at Los Alamos)
• Alfred O. Nier (demonstrated that U-235 was the isotope responsible for fission, not U-238)
• G. B. Kistiakowsky (directed the explosives division at Los Alamos)
• R. F. Bacher (directed the bomb physics division at Los Alamos)
George Weil (part of the Chicago research team, personally withdrew
control rods from exponential pile, producing the first controlled
nuclear chain reaction)
• Glenn Seaborg (Nobel Prize, discovered many transuranic elements)
• John Ray Dunning (led the Manhattan Project’s SAM Laboratories gaseous diffusion division for separating the U-235 isotope)
• Kermit Beahan (bombardier on the B-29 Bockscar which dropped the Nagasaki bomb)
• Charles Sweeney (pilot of Great Artiste, which flew in both the Hiroshima and the Nagasaki operations)
Samuel Allison (director of the Chicago Met Lab and, starting in 1944,
chairman of the Los Alamos Scheduling and Technical Committee,
personally counted down the final seconds before the Trinity test)
• W. D. Coolidge (invented the Coolidge x-ray tube to accelerate electrons)
• E. T. S. Walton (Nobel Prize, invented, with Cockcroft, the first successful particle accelerator, later used at Los Alamos)
• J. D. Cockcroft (Nobel Prize, Cockcroft-Walton experiment, first experimental splitting of atomic nucleus)
• Carl Anderson (Nobel Prize, discovered the positron)
• H. D. Smyth (chairman of Princeton physics department, author of the Smyth Report on the development of the bomb)
• Eugene Wigner (Nobel Prize, theory of neutron absorption)
• Philip Abelson (developed the thermal diffusion method)
• Robert Wilson (directed the experimental nuclear physics division at Los Alamos)
• Norris Bradbury (head of assembly of the Trinity test bomb, replaced Oppenheimer as director of Los Alamos)
• Warren Magnuson (U.S. senator)
• Hyman Rickover (led the team that developed the Nautilus, the first atomic submarine)
• Eugene Wilkinson (first commanding officer of USS Nautilus)
• Richard Riddell (last commanding officer of USS Nautilus)
• David Dietz (author of this book, one of the best-selling early works on atomic energy)
• Doris Dietz Turner (wife of author, drew diagrams in book)
Estou muito curioso para ver o preço final, é a verdadeira oportunidade única.